Download our booking form below.
- Check the diary tab to confirm your chosen date is available
- Contact the facilities manager to provisionally book this date for two weeks. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 07879 979 493.
- Print off the booking paperwork (Hire Agreement Form) and return with a deposit cheque to the facilities manager.
Returning your form
Paperwork can be returned to the hall office between 9:30 and 12:30pm in term time or posted to:
Stanwick Village Hall
Spencer Parade
Please make cheques payable to ‘Stanwick Village Hall Trust’
For hall policies and licencing information including the regulations for using alcohol at any event please visit the policies section under the home menu tab or click this link.
The hall charges a deposit on booking. The deposit fee is £50 for the main hall and £30 for either of the committee rooms. This fee is held by the manager and returned once the room is checked after the event.
The full hire fee is due before or on the day of the event.